On the right is Denmark's Prime Minister: Mette "Dumb-Dumb" Frederiksen
Imagine you are a 41 year old freshly christened Prime Minister of a small NATO ally, who pays about 60% of the outlays they've agreed to whose first appearance on the world stage is to mock NATO's 800 lb gorilla who has been wondering aloud what purpose and necessity NATO has for America's National Interests especially when having to do most of the heavy lifting for a bunch of deadbeats. I'm sure her phone has been blowing up with various renditions of STFU!!! in heavy Eastern European dialects. |
GSL is frequently encouraged by loyal Den readers (across 6 continents and counting) to give his take on world events and one especially tantalizing psychodrama unfolded yesterday. One or two of you out there may not yet know what all the fuss is about so in a nutshell here it is. Four or five days ago, word leaked out that Trump has been kicking around the idea of acquiring semi-autonomous Greenland from Denmark. This is nothing new. President Harry Truman looked into it at the end of World War II and Senator Tom Cotton (Republican from Arkansas) even mentioned it to the Danish Ambassador a few months ago in a meeting. The appeal from the American side is Greenland's strategic importance to counter Russia's aggressive ambitions in Arctic waters. A major American presence in Greenland would help the US protect Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. In addition to a more robust US/NATO security blanket, Denmark could reap a windfall while unloading a vastly underutilized asset freeing up $740 million per year in carrying costs. Of course, the US would look to exploit those abundant untapped mineral reserves in Greenland.
Danish PM Mette Frederiksen
Theatre of the 'Absurd'
Would have loved to have spent the last 48 hours with the Glamazon PM after the International Press was screaming headlines that she found Trump's Greenland ambitions "absurd". I'm sure she found the first few hours delightful with all the 'Progressive' Global Elites clucking "you go girl" encouragements, a call from Anna Wintour's people inquiring re glam photo-shoot for next issue of Vogue. Then came those STFU outrages from Eastern-Euro leaders shitting bricks over Trump pulling out of NATO...and then Trump cancels his 2 day visit along with State Dinner hosted by Queen Margrethe. |
Now we know what you're thinking:
"Come on GSL. you Crafty Old Pro, step in and help this poor girl fix the mess she put herself in." Of course GSL, The Flower of Anglo-Saxon Chivalry, isn't just going to stand back and allow this silly girl to be humiliated on the world stage...that's Justin Trudeau's racket.
PM Fredericksen: I hope you understand that within hours of a US pullout of NATO, Vladdy would be photographed running wind sprints across Greenland's frozen tundra with his shirt off. |
OK, Miss Prime: here's what we're gonna do; Have your staff arrange for a call with POTUS in the next couple of days and then tell him:
Mr President, please let me explain. I was caught off guard, said something off the cuff, was taken out of context, and while selling Greenland at first blush probably isn't workable, there are likely some joint agreements we can work towards that benefit both of us. Mr President, I realize we haven't fulfilled our financial commitments with NATO but we want to get there and if I can have you here with me, I can better make my case to Parliament which will also help you since you well know we would make large purchases from American Defense Contractors..."
Miss Prime you would instantly become POTUS's little darling which would be enormously helpful for Denmark in general and you in particular and no more "Dumb-Dumb"and DJT will be on his best behavior and have Queen Margrethe in a swoon. Now regarding this Vogue shoot for Anna, I have a few ideas....
**UPDATE: It appears Miss Prime followed GSL's marching orders to the letter.
Summed up beautifully, with a bow:-)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for this G7 Summit with Macron fancying himself mediator.
DeleteOh my dear man you all got this so wrong in so many ways
ReplyDeleteWhich ways?