June 08, 2015

Birthday Greetings!

I had my Mess Hall Sargeant bake something special for the occasion but Mugsy's understudy nearly
 jumped the gun.

I'm on my National Guard Annual Training on the Great Plains and was in the middle of an intense border skirmish (Claire, I'll not bore you with more of GSL's feats of derring do) when a cease fire was called in order to pay tribute to The Den's Muse.

Mugsy goes into a frenzy of tail-wagging yelps whenever The Muse's name is said aloud!

Our mascot, Mugsy, with his bark, signaled charged glasses held aloft face Northeast towards the 55th Parallel to honor The Muse.


  1. Happy birthday to The Muse. Sounds like quite the celebration!

    1. It was Jen; I had to introduce these heathens to a new cocktail called The Royal Reverend.

  2. Hmmmm...something tells me that the Muse will fail to be amused by your tribute! But something else tells me you're probably well practiced at dodging bullets. When's the last time you had a 'skirmish' with a hot blooded female? That'll be a test of your memory if nothing else. Claire

    1. Nicely done Claire and I am quite adept at slithering out of tight spots....although I know you'd hold on tight.

  3. These pooches are too cute. What's also cute is the little thing you and Claire have going on. Is it love? xx

    1. My dear Jill,
      As I once told The Muse: GSL loves a hot piece of sass!

  4. Okay, you and Mugsy have my full attention. Mugsy has an arresting face if you ask me, but as you know, I'm a soft touch when it comes to doggies. He is adorable, end of.

    1. Mugsy is a cute pup but I also love the understudy's drive to have his cake and eating it too.

  5. Replies
    1. Jody & Jill,
      Claire has shown all the symptoms hasn't she...but we mustn't tease her...

  6. A charming tribute to your muse, although where you are concerned GSL, I suspect the lady's not for turning. Perhaps, time for a new muse ... anonymous Claire are you ready?

    1. I do so love how you girls circle the wagons. I don't suppose it is even remotely possible "The Muse Doth Protest Too Much" Hmmm? Do you really think the 'scorn' of an unwronged woman has enough stamina to outlast GSL's devotion?

      Who do you think Pepe LePew goes to when his spirits are low?

    2. Always entertaining at your place!
