The Daily Mail is reporting that Madonna has been removed from Radio One's playlist for being "irrelevant and old" |
Gloria Swanson as Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard (1950)
"The Stars are ageless...aren't they?" |
I remember when Madonna broke onto the scene and first became aware of her while sitting in a Geology class one evening in September 1983 when a car drove by with radio blaring in the cul de sac down near the Arts & Sciences quad. It was her early hit
Starlight, Starbright and I had to know who the singer was of that bouncy tune. I soon did find out and early on said she was going to be a huge star. And soon after achieving superstardom, I was virtually alone among heterosexual young men at Southern colleges that would not try to hide their enthusiasm for Madonna's numerous confections of dance hits. I think I stayed with her into the early '90s when she became more of a pop culture irritant with the the books, shockumentarys, and a lovelife seemingly contrived more for tabloid coverage than actual romance.
Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Gottfried Henwein inspired by Edward Hopper's Nighthawks
in the Art Institute of Chicago. |
I had my fill long ago but can't escape this plasticene, injection molded, nipped, tucked, and I suspect PED enhanced creature that looks like a blow-up humanoid doll who still wants to flaunt what few wish to see.
Erich von Stroheim, Gloria Swanson, and William Holden in Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Joe Gillis (Holden) to Norma Desmond (Swanson): "There's nothing tragic about being 50 unless you're trying to be 25" |
Dear GSL...methinks Madonna is more woman than a little guy like you could ever even hope to handle.
ReplyDeleteI bet she laughed when she heard that she was banned by Radio 1 because if there's one thing that's 'irrelevant and old', then believe me, it's Radio 1 itself.
Whether you like her or not Madonna has been, and is, an incredible phenomenon. In the history of pop music she is still the best selling female recording artist of ALL TIME. She is the top selling single female touring artist EVER. She's even the most successful dance artist in music history! She's also the most successful solo artist in the ENTIRE HISTORY of the US singles chart.She's also won 2 Golden Globes and has donated millions to various charities over the years (AIDS, Malawi etc). She has long been an indefatigable advocate for women's rights and an inspiration and icon to many.
She has been on the receiving end of this kind of ageist/sexist crap for years and I'm glad that she simply tells these critics to 'Fuck off' and goes on her merry way. I think she has more than earned the right to do whatever the hell she likes with herself. I wish I had her fitness level.
I'm sick of people having a dig at her for not being 22 anymore and for not letting her hair go grey while she picks out a nice twinset and pearls for herself. So what if she still wants to throw herself around a stage singing and dancing in skimpy clothing? Good for her! if you don't like it - don't look! So tell me,GSL, what have YOU achieved lately...? Claire
Beguiling Claire,
ReplyDeleteYou make all the right points which I would have noticed even without the CAPS. She of course has every right to behave as she pleases and hope that some of those millions you reference donated actually did some good rather than just 'cause du jour' celebrity press conference opportunities to support the latest album. I prefer the example I witnessed her ex-husband perform in Haiti when their weren't banks of cameras to perform empathy for. Throwing money at a cause is often philanthropy as theatre and all about the press conference, the news coverage, and the size of the check quantifying the 'caring' when it was often done for tax purposes, and a record label or other entity kicking in money under a celebrity front person taking the deep bow. One such case in point is the Annenberg Challenge with hundreds of millions making hardly any difference at all but allowing a future US President to use funds in ways that were well intentioned but unsuccessful but at the same building a political powerbase upon which to launch a successful career and the administrators from that Anneneberg Challenge largesse all have done quite well.
As for me, I joined up and served my country, deployed twice, continue to serve in the National Guard so am ready to help if need be. While I am in the process of paying some back taxes from 2005, I will pay every penny I owe as I do feel paying taxes is a requirement of every good citizen. I do know there are people that choose to live in tax havens or who shelter their wealth in secret bank accounts who are starting to become the pariahs they deserve to be.
The Childrens Book Series I am launching will have a philanthropic component with every penny accounted for and the books open and available for online inspection.
now as for Madonna being "more woman that a little guy like me could ever hope to handle"; I never had the slightest interest in her sexually or romantically even 30 years ago; Golden Globes, Pop music star status, celebrity etc. aren't what I'm drawn to; I am far more impressed by school teachers who help children acquire the knowledge and life skills to get a good start in life
DeleteAh yes, I know you admire Sean Penn, her ex-husband and wife beater. (he is a man with a temper and the assault convictions to prove it) According to Forbes, Madonna has paid well in excess of $140 million in taxes to date. I'm sure you'll catch up with yours. Claire
DeleteI didn't know that about Sean Penn and that is a strong mark against him. Hopefully that type of behavior is in his past and maybe the good work he did in Haiti was to atone for that.
DeleteBeguiling Claire,
DeleteWe at The Den want you to know we'll always be here for you. We suspect all this 'scorekeeping' suggests your soul may be a teeny weeny bit barren on the qualitative side. We'll hope to help direct you towards the necessary cultural nourishment to help balance things out.
Just so you know and it may bring a little gleam to those baby blues about to go night-night. You would have a great deal more interest to GSL than Madonna and you'd quickly come to see that you're not too much woman for this little guy to handle...nor will you want to be.
Well, given your low opinion of Madonna, a dog biscuit would hold more interest than her, so that's not much of a compliment! You're big on promise...how are you on delivery? Have you handled dynamite before? Claire
DeleteActually I have along with Claymore mines, grenade launchers, 105mm Howitzers, and bad guys with bad intentions but I'm at my absolute best with highly intelligent good girls who haven't yet found what they're looking for....it may not be me but I'll help them get closer....
DeleteClaire, you were understandably mistaken regarding Sean Penn.
As link reveals Madonna provided sworn statement, Sean Penn never abused her.
I am with you not claire on this. I'm not ageist at all, and have loved Madonna for many years. If she really wanted to screw off the establishment she could have let her face age as it would and still do this stuff. That would have been the ultimate revenge
ReplyDeleteI don't have any problem with a woman getting some work done but Madonna goes overboard and I've always hated vulgarity and she rejoices in it.
DeleteWendy, I wonder how you'd feel if you were in the entertainment business? We can't all be little small town housefraus happy to just have the odd perm and slap on some hair dye and lippy. We're all different and as long as we're not killing or maiming other people I think it's a good thing. Even Saint Helen Mirren has been under the knife and who knows where she'll stop. The world of showbiz is a demanding arena, especially for women. Claire
DeleteMy Dear Claire,
DeleteI just gave this comment more than a passing glance and while you made very good points, as did Wendy, I thought your description of Den fav Wendy a bit too dismissive; in fact GSL would be catching flak for those exact same comments likely with some very variant of sexist, misogynist, etc.
Our Wendy ran a major Government department up in her neck of the woods and my intel indicates she did quite well in that big job with huge responsibilities and has also by what I gather been a very good mother and my instincts tell me a fine wife to her Barry. In addition she is working on some young adult novels that you'll likely see on a bookstore shelf some day soon and if you step up your game, pour yourself into a pencil skirt and sexy heels, you'd have a pretty good chance of seeing a signed copy on GSL's bookshelf soon after release.
My dear GSL, I wasn't describing Wendy at all, I was just speaking in general. However, having run a government department, Wendy ought to have the hide of a rhinoceros by now. I did read an excerpt of her book some time ago "This is a Mystery, Pig-Face". I thought it was her autobiography or something because it's unusual for a ten year old to speak and think in the voice of a 50 year old. Still, that's what re-writes are all about and she's always busy with those. I'm sure it'll be a great success. I'm more looking forward to your children's book series, I must admit. The only thing I want to see poured is a cocktail. I hope you can manage that.Claire
DeleteI loved Madonna..kinda like the Stones. Love the classic not so much the new stuff. I do not believe women, stars, should shuffle off when they age. Yeah, sometimes I think she tries too hard but who am I to judge.
ReplyDeleteT, I don't think she should shuffle off either nor do I want them sticking their tits and ass in my face without warning at any age and we'd think the older performers would be wiser.
DeleteMadonna forever. Her music is the only thing that makes my gym routine bearable. Love that she does what she wants and remains unapologetic. Would take her version of vulgarity over Miley's or Rihanna's any time. A pity that the face work is being focused on over her many accomplishments in the music industry over the years. I would love to have that fearlessness (and those gams) at her age.
ReplyDeleteI've always liked most of Madonna's music but prefer dignity over vulgarity. The subject of my previous post Hilary Mantel I think is a far better role model although women will never want her gams nor take pics of her to their plastic surgeons for the newest procedure, or drug to hopefully give them washboard abs or perfect figures as women of an older age. I think much of the recent Madonna tale is cautionary.
DeleteI wrote about her last year and my sentiment was and still is I am mad at her. Mad at her bc we go way back. I knew she'd get old and wondered how she would age but I thought she'd be more punk about it and Kate bush sort of boho. Madonnas true gift bc it wasn't her singing was the ability to see and take the piss. But she seems to have lost that touch after years of living in a cosseted world. I think her coffee table book in the 90's was s taboo but she doesn't understand a bare ass nowadays is nothing. People don't bother googling sex tapes anymore and she hasn't stayed in touch with the pulse. I will always have a soft spot for her but am rather saddened by it but perhaps she will go through another metamorphosis?
ReplyDeleteI always liked Kate Bush and think her music will endure long past Madonna's who I think made a Faustian bargain to achieve maximum fame. Both great talents and interesting to compare the two paths they took.
DeleteI see they have also banned Robbie Williams and cliff Richard. I wish they'd put Paul McCartney on that list.
DeleteIt's just odd that this became a story at all. Why even compose a list? Would Sinatra, The Who, The Police, be on a 'list' not to play. I think it was to manufacture a story from the spectacle 'Madge' made at the Grammys and the negative reaction to it by those older than 25.
DeleteMadonna is just an untalented fame wh*re,while Kate Bush is a genius artist who,s not afraid to show her age and doen,t care about making a quick buck but puts quality first !
Thanks for stopping by Esther. I've always been a big Kate Bush fan.
DeleteOh it makes me laugh reading all these comments. About Madge, I say that if she wants to continue to express herself through music, why not? I wish she'd leave the matador stuff alone though, she did that look already, I want something new. I hope she will go a torchy soul singer route, she's got the bod (and the jewels) to pull that off no problem. I hate hearing people say that she needs to go away because she's 56. Oh please! But it's okay for Mick Jagger to stick around? Paul McCartney? I also hope she will do more producing and get another great team together to make another movie. I recently re-watched "W/E" and I liked it even more on a second viewing--great cast, beautiful production values, music, costumes, jewelry, and a solid allegorical (and historical!) tale about love. She should be so proud of herself for making that film. I heard her say it was the hardest thing she's ever done. I hope she will do it again. She is up for the challenge! XO, Jill
ReplyDeleteThank you Jill and I have heard some good things about "W/E" which I'd forgotten about. She shouldn't go away but these extreme measures to grasp at the pop-culture spotlight are grotesque.
DeleteApologies to start, for all the blazing CAPS I've scattered about the Internet, for I write it down "jes lak ah tawk," I'm afraid, with the accent providing the accent.
ReplyDeleteAnd though I'd never in this life or another have stood in line for any incarnation of the Madge Momentum, nor have I voluntarily listened or viewed, I do hate the fact that the "banning" criterium was Chronology. That's NEVER on.
rrrrrr in a ladylike growl
Darling Rachel,
DeleteI wasn't able to ascertain whether Radio 1 officially said she was too old, whether it was an anonymous quote from an insider, or how that came to be in the headlines. It's strange but men encounter it in sports all the time and there is never any fuss about it. Male athletes face the prospect of illegally using PEDs to attain or retain competitive advantages (or level playing field as they are so rampant) which sets a horrible example for young boys in sports. That issue is debated at a lower emotional temperature than prominent women using similar and/or cosmetic measures to look their best.
I didn't like the casting of the far too old Fred Astaire and Cary Grant opposite Audrey Hepburn (Funny Face and Charade) yet those opinions aren't ever controversial.
Oh and Darling R, your CAPS are always welcome here and I just like to tease that spitfire Claire.
On. Criterion. And I was just on Sunday translating a Valentine sentiment from Latin.
DeleteOh, Well. Onward. Too dang cold for a bike race, anyway.
Never liked Madonna's voice, too thin, or her music though admired her for her hard work etc. She just never moved me. As for irrelevant. when Michaell Jackson died, my kids thought they had discovered him, "kept asking me, have you heard of this Micheal Jackson." She'll be ready for it.
ReplyDeleteJeepers, just noticed my blog at left is somehow stuck on a blog post four months ago - how bizarre! (not to make it all about me!)
MJ another interesting pop figure that went to grotesque cosmetic measures for the limelight and his music will endure in spite of his 'freak show' aspect not because of it. I think Madge is just trying to look like one of her boytoy's girlfriends.
DeleteOddly I got a couple of old ALW posts in my inbox a week or so ago of which that in the sidebar is one.
She is merely a Kardashian with talent. I am never impressed with a lack of dignity in either gender, in any profession.
ReplyDeleteShe is not any stronger than most women, nor is she a feminist icon. She can sing, she works out, good for her. But she has always been classless. I enjoyed her music, not her.
I agree Bebe and maybe Madge thinks she'll need to keep up with the Kardashians by doing her own porn flick which wouldn't surprise me in the least. I don't know what Feminism is other than taking Humanity and cutting it in two.
DeleteReally, all of this is much ado about nothing to me! Madonna has always pushed the envelope with her "act"! Act being the operative word here! She now appears to be a little desperate! Sad,that as said above,she does not reinvent herself yet again! Perhaps with a little class this time! Not sure I would ever attend one of her concerts, even if they were giving the tickets away! Next we will hear she and KK are doing a video together! God, the thought of that is....
ReplyDeleteYou're Darling T but now that envelope has been pushed so far out there to render the term "edgy" meaningless. She'll probably not don the Islamic gun-toting attire like she did a few years ago with the chain-mail headscarf.
DeleteYet just when we think we have seen it all,literally,along comes another with the 'shock and awe'! God only knows who or what it will be next!
DeleteWhen I saw your post title, one of my favourite (and seriously underrated, and overlooked) 70's bands is what sprang to my mind.
ReplyDeleteNext to their song, The Violin; Sunset Boulevard is my second favourite City Boy song.
Now please charming Donna, you have a fab stle, I'll have much to pass on later...
DeleteRecently, I was watching an awards show with my kids when Madonna came on and my children were all "who is the old lady showing her bum?" I like people to age gracefully but she was formidable back in the day.
ReplyDeleteMadonna was formidable back in her day and just think she has now become more of a carnival act.
DeleteHonestly GSL, since 1977 I felt the City Boy song The Violin was the song that best defined my life. Even all these years later; no one see the secrets hidden in a diary, stowed beneath the stairs.
ReplyDeleteI've been on the run for the past week Donna but will look up these tunes hopefully this weekend.
DeleteVery interesting blog. A lot of blogs I see these days don't really provide anything that attract others, but I'm most definitely interested in this one. Just thought that I would post and let you know.
ReplyDeleteMadonna is hit and miss for me nowadays. I haven't been terribly impressed by anything since her 'Hard Candy' album in 2008. That album was pretty good-5 or 6 songs I love. And her 2005ish comeback with 'Confessions' was the stuff gay dreams are made of and I love every song on that album; and that she truly ushered disco beats back in. Being the son of a disco queen, I grew up on disco and adore it above all. So I was disappointed when she strayed away from that as it seemed such a clear path for her. Her interview on Howard Stern two weeks ago was interesting but annoying as her voice sounded muffled because she was wearing a grill-(maybe grille like a car, I don't know).
As for plastic surgery and rules of aging, I don't enjoy those conversations and think it's none of my concern what people choose to do with their faces and bodies. I have a very loyal client who is a cosmetic surgeon, and I'm glad she does so well because it ripples into my business. I did think that her performance with the fall was incredible because I'm not sure how many of today's celebrities would brush off such a hard fall and keep the show going.
I really don't have any problem with women getting work done as Sharon Stone, Andie MacDowel, etc.l look sensational in that same age group and don't go too extreme.. After writing this, I had forgotten what had incited my disgust with Madonna which subconsciously informed my harsh tone. 2 or 3 years ago she was doing a live world video premiere of some song in support of her new album that youtube HEAVILY promoted that ran on a Saturday night during primetime in US. Knowing full well she had a massive live audience perhaps with parents encouraging their children to share the experience with them she came out and introduced the song with an M-F bomb that was so needless except as a desperate attempt to show the younger hip-hop listening crowd that she is 'edgy'.and trying for 'street cred'.
DeleteMy opinion of her plummeted in that instant. She was a major talent and made some great dance music back in her day.